
Hello. My name is Brittney. I am a seventeen-year old student attending the Robert J. Lister Academy. When my teacher, Bryan, introduced this Costa Rica class to us I was very excited and wanted to go. Then we got to see how the class would be orientated and it looked very difficult but I still wanted to join the class. Now that I am in the class I am willing to do my hardest with the work we have to accomplish and get my fellow classmates and I to go to Costa Rica. This will be a long and challenging course but I am willing to strive to achieve this goal.

The reasons why this is such a big deal for me is because I've never been out of the United States and I think that it would give me knowledge to other cultures outside of the United States. Another reason this is such a big deal to me is because I get to enjoy the reward of success. I know what kind of hard work it's going to be and when I get on the plane to go to Costa Rica I will have been able to see how much I have accomplished. The last reason why this is such a big deal to me is because I have never had an experience like this where it was with a school that counted as class and I find that to be very appealing on a college or job application that I was able to go out of the country. When I get ready to begin the college application process I want to be seen as someone that is committed to life long learning, exciting experiences and successful future. This is what I think this trip can give me. If you would like to support me, our efforts, or our class, please send a check made payable to the Robert J. Lister Academy/ Costa Rica trip attention Bryan Mascio-35 Sherburne Rd. Portsmouth, N.H. 03801

Friday, January 7, 2011

Earning Money

In the book walking with wolf, we learned about the ways that they built industry and an economy in Monteverde. A thing that they had built that relates to its industry and economy is the dairy farm. There were three reasons why they decided to create a dairy farm. They were because they needed a way to make money on their new land, it was a good use of farmland, and also because Wolf grew up on a dairy farm.

My way of earning money is by having a job at McDonald’s and making handmade earrings to sell. I have been working at McDonald’s for a year now and I have never been written up or never called out for anything, not even once. I have been making earrings since July of 2010 and will be continuing to create them for this fundraising until we arrive in Costa Rica. I will then be selling them throughout a different blog. I will keep you updated so you know when and where to check out my new creations.

If you would like to buy any of these wonderful earrings that I have created then you can contact me through commenting on the blog or sending an email to me at

P.S. If you would like to support me, our efforts, and/or our class, please visit our Facebook page or send a check made payable to the Robert J. Lister Academy/ Costa Rica trip attention Bryan Mascio - 35 Sherburne Rd. Portsmouth, N.H. 03801 or you can visit our PayPal account and donate there.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Some plans for our trip!!!

Recently, our class has started talking about our plans for our Costa Rica trip. We have just bought our plane tickets so we now know that we are definitely going to Costa Rica. This is making me feel very excited and anxious though because I want to go to Costa Rica but I've never left my family for this long.

Another thing we have talked about is what we will be doing while we arrive to Costa Rica. Some things we want to do is go horseback riding, zip-lining, and kayaking. Some things we plan on doing is going to the beaches in Costa Rica and staying in Monteverde with my teacher's friend, Rena.

P.S. If you would like to support me, our efforts, and/ or our class, please visit our FaceBook or send a check made payable to the Robert J. Lister Academy/ Costa Rica trip attention Bryan Mascio-35 Sherburne Rd. Portsmouth, N.H. 03801 or you can visit our PayPal account and donate there.

Papa Gino's Night

Our class is hosting a fundraising night at Papa Gino's. This will be taking place on January 20, 2011 at 2800 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, N.H. 03841. We are doing this because we are trying to raise the last bit of money that we need and any money we earn will be very helpful to us.