I found a couple things interesting in this chapter. One thing that I found interesting was that Wolf believed that "when you get into this stage of life and start slowing down physically, you have more time to dream. You have the ability to look back as well as forward." I think this is interesting because not everyone at his age slows down physically. Some people at his age are still working and don't have the time to dream. I also found interesting that it said they were following the trails that Wolf and others had cut and maintained for more than forty years. I found this interesting because it suprises me that someone or people would do that for so much time. That shows a lot of dedication.
I didn't understand a couple of things in this book. One was that it said "The mistress he had been carrying on for decades while his wife took care of their family and home in Monteverde." How can someone have a mistress and a wife? Another thing that confused me was when it said "All that rain and consistently moderate temperatures create a growing climate that never sleeps." What does it mean when this passage says "never sleeps"?
The topic I want to do my project on is the American Quakers. I want to do my project on the American Quakers because they were the developers of Monteverde, Costa Rica. Also because of the reason they moved to Costa Rica. I just think it would be a wonderful research topic since we are going to Costa Rica in March. It would be a good thing to know about the history of Costa Rica before going on a school trip.
In conclusion, there were a couple interesting things to me in this chapter. I hope to find more interesting things throughout this book. I also had some spots in the book that were a little confusing to me. I can't wait to start my research project on the American Quakers. This chapter was a good start to a book which makes me want to continue reading further.
This is a great first post. Your practice in essay writing really shows here - the college class this summer clearly had a strong effect for you. I know that the questions you pose here have already been answered in our class discussion, and I am very glad for your role in showing how these questions demonstrate your interaction with the text.