The Service Act of 1940 was also known as the Burk-Wadsworth Act. This act was passed by the United States of America congress on September 14, 1940. This act required that men between the ages of twenty-one and thrirty-five register with local draft boards. Local draft boards are people that put people in the military. This, however, will be changed in the second World War. The change will be that the ages differ. The new ages for requirement are eighteen through fourty-five.
The service act of 1940 effected many. Some of the effects it had were that it angered the men that were in that age group terribly. It angered some of them terribly because of the simple fact that they were all for peace and totally against the war. Others were frustrated because they felt like they had lost all their freedom. Some people didn't mind this because they wanted to join the military services anyways.
The service act of 1940 relates to the book Walking with Wolf because Wolf and the other Quakers are against this act. They are against this act because they are pacifist. Pacifist means that they believe in peace and are against war. Wolf and the other Quakers went to jail because they refused to sign the act because of their beliefs.
In conclusion, the service act of 1940 played a major role in Wolf's and the Quakers lives because of their decisions and beliefs. This is the main reason I chose to do this as my weekly research project. I chose this because I knew it had to be important to learn more about for the chapter I was reading. I wonder if Wolf and the Quakers made the right decision to not sign the act? I guess that would be an opinioned answer though.
I know that you did a lot of work understanding the information about this topic - it shows. What I'd really like to know is what you think of this. You share these ideas when we talk, and I'd love for readers to see that thinking.